divendres, 8 de maig del 2015


Summer is the most waited season of the year for many people, because it means hot, sun, beach, relax, hollidays... Our area is really nice to spend time on summer and thats why lots of tourists come here and everithing increase. There's more traffic and less peace at the streets, more people at the beach, that are really crowded of red tourists. It's not difficult to spot the tourists, because they get really red like prawns because of the sun. I love summer because oyu are free and have time to enjoy yourself, but what I don't like is how crowded is everywhere, but it's not bad, at the end you get used to it and it's like always. In my opinion summer is the best season of the year because after all what you have to study being able to relax is amazing and you feel really good. The same happends to people who work and have hollidays during summer, they disconect from everything and just lay on the beach and enjoy the weather and the landscape.

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