dilluns, 24 de març del 2014

Trip to London First day

First day we had to woke up very early I personally woke up at 3 o' clock because at 3:30 we had to be at Castelló to leave and go by bus to Barcelona. During the bus time I slept a little bit and also talked with other mates. Once we arrived to Barcelona we passed the control and we had time to relax and eat or whatever we wanted. We ate some sandwitches and talked there, but we where getting a little bit bored and decided to play some group games. After an hour more or less we had to enter into the plane but we couldn't fly because frenchs where on strike and because of that we had to wait between half an hour and 45 minutes, to compense that time they gave us some water, finally we flight and after 2 hours more or less we landed at London, we had a bus there which toock us to the hostal, we left our luggage there and we went to visit Big Ben, London eye and other interesting places there.
During the afternoon we had some free time to buy there and at 7:30 we went to have dinner at a pizzeria. At night some of us met at the bar of the hostal and decided to play cards.

It was a very exciting day, a little bit tiring but also very nice.

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