dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

Torrente 5

Torrente 5 is a part of a saga created by Santiago segura, who is the main charachter of the film, whose name is Torrente, this film is a parody of the situation of Spain, Torrente is a policeman and in his films has to discover a murder or something like that, he always has several problems to do it, there normally apear famous people and laughs of them normally.
I haven't seen Torrente5 but pople who have seen it, say it's very nice, I haven't seen it because right now I haven't got time, but during christmas hollidays or a free weekend I will see it for sure, and I will let you know my opinion about it and i think it will be good and I will have really good time and laughing a lot.
If you want to watch a spanish film and don't know which I recomend you Torrente 4 or 5 and for sure you will have really good moments and laugh a lot.

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