diumenge, 8 de juny del 2014


Terrorists are people who commit terrorism, for those who don’t know what it is, it consists on: do a violent attack to cause fear or damage to people, this acts are moved by religious, political or ideological goals.

Terrorism exists every where, but where is more frequent now is in Africa, but it also affects developed countries, like USA, UK, Spain...
Particularly in Spain not too much ago existed a terrorist group called ETA, it was from País Basc, it caused lots of problems to Spain, and it was moved by Political reasons against Spanish government to can reach their goal which was to claim for their independence of Spain. Some years ago Spain suffered a very dramatic attack from AL-Caeda, it’s remembered by everyone it took place at Madrid’s train station It was the 11M, it was a tragedy.

In my opinion terrorism is not the way to fight to reach our goals because with violence we can’t get what we want, a reason is that, bombs don’t affect politics, they affect innocent people.
I am against terrorism like most people, people who commit these attacks have to be punished by law, but sometimes law don’t fight against them and that’s wrong because they continue hurting innocent people.


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