dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2015

Formal letter

Carrer del rentador sn

La Moncloa.

13th April 2015, Castelló d'Empúries

Dear Mr. Rajoy,

I am writing this letter to you because I do not agree with the way you are acting and the laws you have done.

I think you are atempting against the Catalans because thay have the right to a nationality and you are taking it to them, they feel and want to be catalan. Acording to Human Rights, they should be able to have the catalan nationality.
I also want to add that you with your actions are violating another right, the right of shelter. When people do not pay banks, instead of forgiving them or searching a solution or even try to solve it, you choose the easy aption, and also the one which requires less effort. However the easy way is not always the best way. It is your fault that people who do not pay are sent away from their houses and have to live wherever they can at the streets. However, all this could and should change, and it is on your hands, and if you care about the effort do not worry, it is easy and I am sure you can do it.

Looking forward to your prompt reply.


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