dijous, 21 de novembre del 2013

Obrint pas

Obrint pas it's a music group from Valencia, they sing protest songs against Spain and reivindicaiting països catalans independence. They have been playing music during lots of years but last october they did their last concert in Catalunya more concretly in Girona.

I went to Girona with friends an we had lot of fun there enjoying their music and of course singing their songs, and dancing in some of them.

My favorite songs are La flama, som, Del sud, el can't dels amulets... This songs are also the most famous ones, and an identity of the group.

I had been to two Obrint Pas concerts one in Figueres last year and this in Girona, but the best was in Girona because in Figueres it was an Acustic one what means that there were only some of the instruments.  

Their concerts are like a party because everybody it's singing, doing "castells" and holding senyeres and estelades, people also throw bengals.

It was awesome and i hope i could go to an other.


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