diumenge, 8 de juny del 2014

London underground

London underground lines are a little bit cahotic because when you look at the map you see lots of diferent lines in diferent colors but all of them are crossing or going to diferent places and you can get a little bit confused. Also when you are at underground "streets" they are also cahotic because there are lots of people going up or down and runing all the time, also diferent line on which you can go and also diferent ways to go out. An other thing it's that you have to loock very carefully because you can get confused and go at the oposite way, but it's not a big problem if you have time because you go out at first stop you find and take another train and go trough the good way.
During first days there i was a little bit lost because I saw all lines very similar, the only diference I found was the color and the name, but I followed the teachers and I dn't get lost.

But since saturday an sunday I started to understand how to move trough there, on saturday we went all together but on Sunday we went alone and everyone did wat he or she wanted.

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